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FitnessSport is not just a GYM. We’re a family of like-minded and high-spirited people. We come together daily to inspire, challenge, and motivate each other to do more… To become more! To max out each day and achieve the results previously deemed impossible! A space that meets and exceeds your fitness needs.

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Across our 20,000 sq/ft gym space you’ll surely have more room for maneuvering!



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They max themselves out too, in order to assist you and to make YOU stronger!



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[cherry_icon icon=”icon: fa fa-gift” size=”36″ align=”left” color=”#ff6479″ class=”icon icon-primary”]

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Discover the fitness with us! First workout for free. We will get in touch with you shortly.



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The same routines can be applied to people with very different backgrounds.




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[cherry_tab title=”facts”]

Since our opening day back in 2013, our Gym classes have provided an inspiring welcoming for everybody! That makes every attendee feel like they are a part of one big community!


[cherry_tab title=”Our mission”]

Since our opening day back in 2013, our Gym classes have provided an inspiring welcoming for everybody! That makes every attendee feel like they are a part of one big community!


[cherry_tab title=”features”]

Since our opening day back in 2013, our Gym classes have provided an inspiring welcoming for everybody! That makes every attendee feel like they are a part of one big community!



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Professional Trainers


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Gym Space


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Happy Clients




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[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/YE_8hKqMFbE” width=”1500″ height=”260″ responsive=”no”]



[cherry_parallax_image bg_image=”https://kronos.freespirits.gr/~o2gymfit/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/index-07.jpg” min_height=”580″]

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We are sure that this decision will affect your life in a positive way. So why waiting?

[contact-form-7 id=”4″ title=”Contact form 1″]


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